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144artist Loves Kings of War

144artist Loves Kings of War

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Vampire Hero

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 13

The Blood Dragon hero figure that has been sitting on my desk, assembled, based, and primed, is finally complete.  I had thought about adding him to a unit base for my Kings of War Undead but decided to keep him an inidivdual.  Besides, I have enough individually based vampires to make a Troop of Soul Reavers.  I hit a bit of a speed bump once the black line was applied and couldn’t decide how I wanted to proceed.  The gamemaster of our weekly 1st edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign (played via Discord as we live all over the US) suggested a pale green for details which lead to my turning it into a zombie dragon.  He also convinced me to add a second hue over the edge details which really made it look like thick embroidery.  In the end, the 20mm square base just looked too small and I opted for a MicroArts Graveyard round.  He will still fit on a movement tray and could even be an individual hero now.  Bonus is what a great RPG villain he will make.

Vampire Hero
Vampire Hero
Vampire Hero
Vampire Hero
Vampire Hero
Vampire Hero

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zebraoutrider144artistAvernos Recent comment authors
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the nicest blood dragons they sculpted, you’ve done a terrific job on him, the freehand is stunning, beautiful as always

Cult of Games Member

That is the most fantastic freehand cloak I’ve seen for sometime. Yet again, I’m staggered by the quality of your work and if I get to be 10% as good as you, I would be over the moon! ?????

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