Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army
Tanks for the memories...
Next I assembled the FT17. I checked online for paint jobs, but I have in mind that i want the tank to be an objective if and when i get into Blood and Valor. As long as i don’t splash Japanese flags over it, the heavily washed Death Guard Green will be a acceptable in both games.
I used Mournfang Brown spray to prime, Death Guard Green over the tank hull and Model Mates oil and mud brown sprays to weather the tracks and darken the green colour.
Good grief, the old FT-17 … still in service in WW2. Hey, gotta win with whatcha have, eh?
Great results @dugthefug1644
Thanks @oriskany I just loved that a variant was still used for training in the Japanese army and that the Chinese had used them briefly and seeing some box art with a rising sun on the FT-17 gave my imagination a kick. I thought that the befuddled old leader defending this fictional island decided that if he was going to win his own mini war that he would fight the war “as he had been taught” as a younger man and shipped this old thing over to help with his final stand. I’m a romantic at heart (and clearly not… Read more »