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Highlights from Last Session

Highlights from Last Session

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Okay, So I Lied ...

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5

Well … I was wrong.  Last night’s session was NOT the end of the “Desert Eagles” plot line for HK Ops.

This story is turning out to be more complex and intricate than initially planned, the battles are more visceral, and the enemy is putting up a tougher fight in some places.  Long story short (take a shot), at the end of last night’s session were weren’t even close to the end of this campaign.

So it looks like we’re up for a THIRD session – the FINAL CONCLUSION (I promise this time) in what’s turned out to be an epic trilogy!

Part III is currently scheduled for Sunday March 22.

Meanwhile, Part II is up on our YouTube channel. 😀 Check out some of it below!

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rasmusoriskanyDennis CrossJennifer Recent comment authors
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I’m glad it lasted through to another session. I love that we don’t feel rushed and get to do everything our characters would naturally want to do in those situations. It give the games real cinematic moments….bowling for bad guys with Sultans and Humvees, Blowing up technicals with rockets, days of our lives romance, barracks insults. Great stuff really!

Cult of Games Member

I can only speak for myself, but I’m having a fantastic time with HK-Ops. I’ve even started a small miniatures diorama of a scene from part one of this mission. I’m working with the 1/35th scale as there are warehouses of models in that scale, both soldiers and vehicles. Talking of cinematic moments, I was really happy with my character’s walk down the hill from the HMMV. SAW (M249) blazing away mostly out in the open and gunning down the combatants that were getting the drop on Taaki’s partially disabled vehicle. One of my associates looked at me and said:… Read more »


I won’t spoil too much by saying that the bullets where getting a little too close to Sirius’s back side when the 23mm opened up, but he did pay them back in kind.

As a sniper I almost feel I should jump out the truck 500m before the map and then just go in support mode on overwatch …

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