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Frostgrave – Undead Warband

Frostgrave – Undead Warband

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Project Blog by jelosloth7

Recommendations: 233

About the Project

This was to document the progress of my undead warband for Frostgrave. If I restart it, I will do so on my Wordpress blog here:

This Project is Completed

The Beginning

Tutoring 9
Skill 16
Idea 16
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Got my war band built and primed and some of them have seen some paint. The Vampire minis are classic GW models from before fantasy got scuttled. The Skeletons are from Warhammer Underworlds. The Skeleton Archers are from Reaper Miniatures. The living archers are from Frostgrave and the Zombie is a classic Mordheim model. I am going to unify the army with the color red, as you might’ve guessed.

Rules-wise the Vampires will Represent my wizard/apprentice. Not sure which ones I will use yet. Probably the ones without the wings as they are a little more toned down. They will be necromancers in game, which allows for the summoning of the zombie. Other than that, there are no rules in Frostgrave for running an undead war band, so the other model will just represent warriors/archers/knights/barbarians/etc.

A friend of mine is starting this game as well, using his plethora of Reaper Bones minis and my wife wants to start an anthropomorphic army using Burrows and Badgers minis, so I’m excited to get these table ready and get some games in.

Zombie. One, single zombie.

Tutoring 5
Skill 12
Idea 11
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The zombie is painted, save for the basing. As a long time undead player, I’ve never had cause to paint a single zombie at a time before, so this was quite a new experience. I really like how the extreme highlights are making the model pop. Still need to throw snow on the base, but I’m waiting until I’ve finished the Wizard and his Apprentice before I snow everybody up.

Wizard is ready to go.

Tutoring 6
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Got my Wizard all painted up, save for the snow on the base. Really happy with how he turned out. I’m having so much fun with the extreme highlighting, it really makes the models look cool on the tabletop. I particularly like how comic book-y he came out.

If you’ve been following the project, you might notice this is not the Wizard from before. I decided to go with some more traditional miniatures to ensure my war band is WYSIWYG. I’ll be adding in the really cool skeletons and what have you as I recruit better warriors into my ranks as our campaign progresses. It’ll give me more stuff to paint and make it easier to remember who is what while playing.

Knight in not-so-shining armor

Tutoring 6
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Knight is all painted up and ready to go. Still needs snow on his base, but otherwise he’s all set. Pretty happy with how he came out. I might throw in some oranges/yellows into the red in the future, but for now I’m gonna call him done.

Thieves, Thugs and Archers oh my!

Tutoring 6
Skill 12
Idea 11
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My basic infantry are all done and ready to go. The 2 Skeletons are thugs. The 2 Ghouls with bows are archers. I converted them using Games Workshop ghouls and just carved out the bones they were holding and carefully cut some bows off of old archer models and glued the bow pieces where the bones were. I was pleasantly surprised with how well they turned out.

Finally, the 3 Ghouls without bows are thieves

Pretty happy with how everything is turning out so far. Still have the Apprentice to paint and then it’s time for basing. Hoping to get that done this weekend, but we’ll see.

Statues and Objective

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Statues for the scenario that uses statues that come to life and an objective for the scenario that uses a tower with a special objective on top.Statues for the scenario that uses statues that come to life and an objective for the scenario that uses a tower with a special objective on top.

Finally, I knocked out some quick statues and an objective. My ultimate goal is to have miniatures and terrain painted up for each scenario. The statues are for a scenario where you grab loot and the statues come to life and fight you. The plinth is for the scenario where you have a special objective at the top of a tower. All of them will get the snow base treatment once my Apprentice is finished.

Apprentice finished.

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Apprentice is finished. Now time to move on to basing everything and then my starter warband will finally be finished.

Warband Complete!

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 9

With the Apprentice complete I decided to knock out all the basing and get the war band completed. For the snow, I used baking soda mixed with white acrylic paint and white PVA glue at a 1:1:1 mixture. Then, while it was wet I sprinkled on snow flock.

I’m really happy with how everything turned out. I can’t wait to get some games in. I’m still waiting on my wife and my friend to get their war bands built and painted, so it might be awhile until I can do something with these guys, but getting to a point of completion on a project is really satisfying, so I can’t complain.

After this I think I might knock out some Marvel: Crisis Protocol or perhaps some Cops for my Batman gang.