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Infinity Terrain

Infinity Terrain

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Crunch time.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2

I hate having things left unfinished projects. They are shameful (to me) I had to stop myself moving forward with my other projects until I finished the last building in this series.

I still have / had not got a lot of enthusiasm for this anymore. I don’t know why. I remember the good times, then I just lost it.

So for the past couple of weeks I put all off all my other projects and didn’t allow myself to have fun. the next two updates took way longer than it should. This should have been 3 days work. It took much much longer.

I needed a com tower. I wanted a dish instead I opted for antennas. I also wanted some kind of fuel pump and some railings for a movable bridge. I modelled this in fusion 360 and printed on the Anycubic. I needed a com tower. I wanted a dish instead I opted for antennas. I also wanted some kind of fuel pump and some railings for a movable bridge. I modelled this in fusion 360 and printed on the Anycubic.
I lasercut more panels. This want the original plan it was supposed to have wraparound panels going over the curves. This is where I burned out before I went simple. I changed some of the shapes for visual interest and stuck them all down. I lasercut more panels. This want the original plan it was supposed to have wraparound panels going over the curves. This is where I burned out before I went simple. I changed some of the shapes for visual interest and stuck them all down.
I drilled out and glued in guitar strings also masked all the painted or glazed sections ready for paint. I drilled out and glued in guitar strings also masked all the painted or glazed sections ready for paint.
I air brushed the same way as the rest of the model. I didn't want much contrast between the sections. I air brushed the same way as the rest of the model. I didn't want much contrast between the sections.
After everything was dried I went in with some brown oil wash. as you can see not the neatest of jobs. Looking great!After everything was dried I went in with some brown oil wash. as you can see not the neatest of jobs. Looking great!
I then used a rag with white spirits on it and removed most of the oil wash.I then used a rag with white spirits on it and removed most of the oil wash.

So I stopped recording what I done from this point. I again was not feeling it. But I continued until it was complete.

To finish the painting I highlighted and then used some streaking effects on the model in greens and oranges.

I then airbrushed OSL on the lights and on the console and then used water effects for the glass on the console.

More to come.

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wildchevysoapdodgerJosh Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I completely understand the gap in motivation to finish a project. Personally, I’ve decided that the point of hobby is to alleviate rather than create stress so I’ve given myself permission to paint/build whatever strikes my fancy unless I have a hard deadline (i.e. tournament or friend coming to play). It means I’m much more scattered but also have more fun. Of course, I also realize that for some the half-finished projects lurking in their hobby room would themselves create massive stress. Thankfully, I was able to get over that hurdle and let go of having to finish projects unless… Read more »


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