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Mage's Mantis Warriors - Updated 15/02/20 HQ Librarian Completed

Mage's Mantis Warriors - Updated 15/02/20 HQ Librarian Completed

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Entry 14: Librarian

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Skill 4
Idea 4
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It’s been a while! I’ve been busy and butterflying around different projects as well as sorting stuff in my personal life and avoiding forums. I’m back for a bit.


This is my Mantis Warriors Librarian. He will count as Ahazra Redth, the special character from the Forge World Badab War book.

He has had a head swap (with the Chaos Space Marine Master of Executions) and not been assembled with his foot rock. This had given him a haggard, maybe older look with his frame being haunched.


I like to think he had been drained from overuse of his powers over the course of the Badab War. Interestingly, he was MIA and his body never recovered. Maybe he was corrupted by Chaos and fled with the Astral Claws after the war and possibly became one of the first Red Corsairs Sorcerors…



Entry 14: Librarian
Entry 14: Librarian
Entry 14: Librarian
Entry 14: Librarian
Entry 14: Librarian

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