The Great”ish” Hobby Clean up
The Plan!
I think Ive devised a realistic plan to try to reduce it. No actual picture as I don’t have a lens wide enough.
I know I wont be able to just not buy anything so a blanket no buy policy won’t work.
I know that painting to a deadline or target also helps (getting minis ready for D&D and da red gobo for Christmas etc)
So I’m going to put myself to the following rule;
I can only buy a new mini if I’ve earned it by tackling the pile of shame, Using the below scoring system.
The points system sounds really interesting! I may try adopting it myself.
That’s a very interesting way of going about it. It will be good to see how it goes.
A neat system to accomplish your goal!
I would never get points for selling.
Once I’ve bought it it never leaves…….EVER!!! (maniacal laugh HAHAHA)
Wow you are smashing these out and really good quality too, you are going to have some awesome armies at the end of this!