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Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

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Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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I tried my hand at fixing that broken sword.  I was going to put a pin down the middle of it to act as a scaffold for green stuff but the drill bit was wider than the blade.  I was able to pad some green stuff around the end, but I’m not very good with this stuff and the blade was too close to the body for me to work with.  As such he is now holding something of an iron sausage with a hilt.  I tried and it’s a learning experience at least.

I made more progress than expected this weekend.  Lorsann is all done except the base, which I’ll finish of when I do Finvars.  I made a good start on Finvar too.  I see dark leathers, and some bronze and iron in his future.  If I’m left alone I expect to have this Kickstarter fully painted this weekend.  Of course, it would help if there was a Weekender to paint to….


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