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KoW dwarf army

KoW dwarf army

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Broken the back of the Shieldbreakers

Tutoring 3
Skill 10
Idea 8
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Broken the back of the Shieldbreakers

I’ve pretty much finished the Shieldbreakers. The tweaks to the colour scheme have really come together. The blue/grey weapons help make the models pop, and the red adds some variety.

The keen eyed among you may have spotted a stumpy chap with a beer in one hand and nothing in the other. I’m hoping to create a banner pole and then I’ll get to paint a banner. Any recommendations for size and material of banner pole would be greatly appreciated.

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kharegim Recent comment authors
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I’d grab a pack of the army painter pinning rods and use one of the thickest ones if you’re planning on doing a flag. If you want to do a banner that hangs down it’s as simple as filing a bit into two parts of those bits and then gluing them together for the flag to hang down from.

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