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Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

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6/2/20 - Breakage

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1

I was starting work on the elven flesh tones last night and I noticed this broken sword.  I was getting ready to email SFG about it but as I had this project I thought I’d check the pictures.  It appears the sword arrived intact and broke at some stage between removing the packaging and priming and I didn’t even notice.  Thankfully, everything else appears fine.

If you buy in to Godtear use this as your warning: The thin parts of this plastic are fragile enough to break without you even noticing.

I don't even have the missing part.  I think I found it too and assumed it was sprue/flash that had made it in to the boxI don't even have the missing part. I think I found it too and assumed it was sprue/flash that had made it in to the box

On an unrelated note, here’s a Warhammer Underworlds question:

I bought Shadespire a long time ago, played a few games and haven’t had the chance to pick it up again, although I would like to give it more playthroughs.  For Christmas I got given two new warbands as fun painting projects (Underworlds stuff is great for trying new schemes/model types without feeling like you need to buy a whole army).  “Ylthari’s Guardians” has Nightvault on it and “The Grymwatch” has Beastgrave.  They both say all I need is any core box, but didn’t Nightvault add magic and new dice?  If I try to play as either will I quickly find I need the magic dice or anything not in Shadespire?

Also, does anyone else find it odd that there’s virtually no blurb on those boxes telling you who is inside?  I was looking at Ylthari’s Guardians trying to work out if they are ghostly or undead.  They appear to be ghostly dryads.  I don’t know AoS lore.  Are all dryads like this?  Are they special?  Are they part of the ghost army, not the elves?  It struck me as odd that they weren’t including a paragraph of fluff/lore on the box to help sell the product, not just inform the buyer.

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Cult of Games Member

bloody elves they are always too fragile

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