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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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Batch primed beasties

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 12

A couple of hours this morning with the spray gun. Have just started using the Stynylrez brand airbrush primes and they are absolutely great.  Worked fine pumped through a cheap airbrush for an extended session on a low humidity 40 degree day, so should handle ‘regular’ use no worries I’d suggest 🙂

I retouched the black from yesterday as I had missed a couple of spots here and there. Then switched to grey for a zenithal highlight and then finally white for the final zenith hit.

Did some quick mental arithmetic and the 100 infantry and 5 cavalry models I have for the army in total cost less than the local retail price of a ‘start collecting’ box set. Admittedly I did need to invest a few days in stripping, repairing and converting. But if you don’t mind those elements of the hobby and are happy playing with older minis then restoring second hand minis may be an economical way to approach things.

Grey primer on...Grey primer on...
And the white zenith. Suddenly details appear...And the white zenith. Suddenly details appear...
Additionally, have been working on updating my basing game (inspired by @warzan and his round base efforts). So revisited a poor old dryad mini that only ever got 2 colours of paint back in the day...Additionally, have been working on updating my basing game (inspired by @warzan and his round base efforts). So revisited a poor old dryad mini that only ever got 2 colours of paint back in the day...

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That basing really stands out, great job.

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