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In A Galaxy not that far away.

In A Galaxy not that far away.

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The Webel's are Wevolting!

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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And you dont look to good your self Sir!

Whilst doing the Imps  the rebels were not forgotten;

Starting with Imperial Veterens, I again went for a desert scheme, again waith bone primer and skeleton horde as base, flak jackets were over done in snakebite leather, and once detail and faces done an overall Agrax Earthshade wash.

The Webel's are Wevolting!
The Webel's are Wevolting!

Liking how they came out I used  the same theme for the two squads of Rebel Troopers adding the odd blob of camoflage with wash.

The Webel's are Wevolting!
The Webel's are Wevolting!
The Webel's are Wevolting!
The Webel's are Wevolting!
  1. For my 2nd unit of Fleet Troopers went for planet base groundbase security in same desert theme.
The Webel's are Wevolting!
The Webel's are Wevolting!

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