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Elric Of Melnibone // Painting A Doomed Hero

Elric Of Melnibone // Painting A Doomed Hero

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Base Painting & Tidying Up

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4

So, I got the miniature in the post and started work on Elric! I then realised that I really hate painting black and even working up from that undercoat. However, I am working hard to try and sort out the missteps along the way.

Here we have the model with the basecoats basically done…

Base Painting & Tidying Up

I am happy with how the skin is coming out, the red cloak and the sword but of course all of this now needs to have a generous wash put over the top of it as well as a little more black in places to smooth out the quirky ‘highlighting’ that I’ve tried to do.

As it stands it is kinda working and I’m mostly happy with how it looks but this is always the worse stage for me where I think I’ve ruined it but have to bear in mind that there are still steps to do!

So, I’m going to be focusing on finishing this off as best I can and we’ll see about the final result!

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rickabod41brennon Recent comment authors
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what colour have you used for the face?
It looks (to me anyway) to have a subtle green tinge – which I think would be a nice for a ghoul’s flesh.

I must get around to read some of the books, they have been on my too do list for a few decades!

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