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Getting better at NMM

Getting better at NMM

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finishing up the first model.

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11

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Paints used for the facePaints used for the face
paints used for the eyes. paints used for the eyes.
I kept the face simple I painted this very light at my second highest highlight which was a lot of white mixed with the base flesh colour. I then used glaze medium and the flesh colour on it's own to shade. Finished with a final highlight. For the eyes I used glaze medium and turquoise and done a few layers and painted the eyes white to obtain a glowing effect.I kept the face simple I painted this very light at my second highest highlight which was a lot of white mixed with the base flesh colour. I then used glaze medium and the flesh colour on it's own to shade. Finished with a final highlight. For the eyes I used glaze medium and turquoise and done a few layers and painted the eyes white to obtain a glowing effect.
This is the past of the model I like the most. I think I should have painted the entire model like the back leg to make it pop more. This is the past of the model I like the most. I think I should have painted the entire model like the back leg to make it pop more.
Finished frontFinished front
Finished leftFinished left
Finished backFinished back
Finished right. Finished right.

So that’s it done. This is not the first NMM that I have done on a model. However this is the first main part of the model all done in NMM.

It’s hard thing to learn and it’s slow. I would give myself about a 4/10 from where I want to be (10 and it’s not the best painter in the world 10).

I have watched number of videos and read on the subject. I think it’s a learned artistic skill however, no offence to any of the source materials I have consulted but they are all pretty poor and just describe the process of putting paint on the model and not the thought behind it or how to apply what they are saying to any model.

This is why I started this project. I don’t think I will ever get to 10. I cant see a path from where I am now to improve other than just keep painting and hope each model I do gets better.  Or an in person tutorage but I think to get the best out of that you need to be amazing at painting in the first place and just want to explore other peoples techniques.

Things I may do differently on NMM gold. Use more colours e.g. purple in the recesses. This may give variation. I think I may go overall darker and not push all highlights to white. I may also try and use dots rather than strokes with the brush. I think that’s a start of something to change to get better.

This is not the end. I am on the hunt for another model. It might not be gold but it will be NMM and my aim will be to get a 5/10

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soapdodgeroriskanyninjilly Recent comment authors
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Really nice start to the project – looking forward to following along as you get closer to 10. I like the idea of focusing on developing a skill in isolation as a project.

Cult of Games Member

Amazing detail on the face, @soapdoger – and great information on the maints and materials used! 😀

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