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Reply To: Beyond the Monolith? Confusion!?!

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Beyond the Monolith? Confusion!?! Reply To: Beyond the Monolith? Confusion!?!


Cult of Games Member

I doubt it would have reached its target with a longer funding period.
You either get close to funding within the first week … or you don’t fund at all. The ones that manage to cross the line near the end tend to run into problems during production as they lack the buffer required for any estimate that is wrong.

I guess the simple fact that he funded it with his own money is probably why it still launched despite the comments and initial delay.

This wasn’t a money grab IMHO, because they could have set the goal at 80k … and then blame any issues on a variety of outside factors.

The fact that so many kickstarters have ridiculously low funding levels combined with endless stretchgoals is what makes it tough to judge whether the amount they’re asking is realistic.

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