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Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

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The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Draca (Complete)

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Skill 2
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Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.

The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Draca (Complete)

Draca is famed across the sector as the homeworld of the Dracan war machine, a brutally efficient militant society where death and honour a sacred. The tide-locked world is, in fact, a moon of a super-massive gas giant in the mid-outer portion of the Draca system, and while it receives little light from the red dwarf sun, the atmosphere and glowing auroras of the provides ample light. Combined with the active geothermal activity caused by its proximity to the gravitational field of the gas giant, Draca can support life in this cold corner of the galaxy. Normally a simple mining planet like Draca would never have developed much of a population at all, but several factors combined to give a significant population. The moon is crossed by winding mountain ranges that rise out of dense ‘oceans’ of semi-caustic poisonous gases, beneath which lie volcanic seams rich in mineral wealth.

Numerous mining stations work these seams, operated by acid-resistant mechanized labour and hardly souls in hazmat suits, and these stations provide the massive munitions factories on neighbouring Siccidde all the resources they need. Draca’s early history was marred by the eradication of the indigenous lifeforms that continually attacked the mining operations, and this bloody history was the origin for the militant society found on Draca today.

Draca’s fortress-cities are built on the mountain ranges, and here the various families still maintain diligent martial training. Its is not unusual for entire families to do nothing but serve in the military machine, and many families have a proud tradition of having served for generations, recognised as producing some of the most highly trained officers and troops. Draca has been known to lease out its legions during times of war, and readily send its troops to maintain battle competence across the galaxy. Draca is now controlled by House Vykarius who are very aligned with the philosophy of the Empire.

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