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Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

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Overview of the Correx Sector Part 10

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
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  • Baal Skath: A mysterious figure rumoured to be based in the jungles of Kalishe, Skath specialises in the flesh trade, whether it be slaves, dangerous creatures, poisons or biotec. Individuals who have crossed the Baal never live long enough and are usually found poisoned with some unknown neurotoxin, if they are ever found at all.
  • The Keldon Syndicate: Is a conglomerate of smugglers, they have a long-standing arrangement with the Princess Xedvan distributing her Syndicates wares throughout the Sector. They are known to have official offices on Correx Nova, Siccidde and Vorzheva, though they are likely to have members in every planet in the sector that has a spaceport. Highly organised, they will band together against any threat to one of their members and can amass a fleet of considerable size and firepower. They ask a steep cut of the profits in return for such solidarity and can be brutal in enforcing co-operation both within their ranks and without.
  • Rorogg the Hutt: The major power on the eclipsed world of Palauga, the Hutt conned control of the planet out from House Salimova almost a century ago, leading to the House’s demotion to Lesser House status. His presence has increased criminal activity throughout the Sector, and he considers himself a Spice connoisseur, with illegal harvests scattered across the backwaters of numerous worlds. He takes personal pleasure in undermining the power base of Princess Xedvan & The Dead Star Syndicate, and can when needed can call upon the considerable might of the Hutt Clans to support his concerns within the sector.
  • Das’tihu the Red: What began as a desperate attempt to escape from the brutal slave cities of Barhok turned into a very lucrative people-smuggling business for the red-skinned Twi’lek. He is a very complicated individual to deal with; while at times he appears as the compassionate rescuer, he also will bleed his cargo dry and is known to blackmail them for years afterwards. He has carved small section of the known sector for himself, having branched out into forging identities and papers; exactly how he can move his cargo about without being caught is a closely guarded secret that he will take to his grave.
  • N9-ZX N10-ZX (Nines and Tens): These BX-series droid commandos remnants of the clone wars have an entire planet’s worth of tech waste at their disposal. These to droids can provide anyone with the resources with anything they require, within a reasonable timeframe. It’s rumoured that NInes and Tens are worth millions of credits each, but what exactly they’re saving for is anyone’s guess. They can make or repair anything, and they enjoy testing their creations on those worthless meat bags.
  • Princess Xedvan & The Dead Star Syndicate: A Falleen noble who oversees the smuggling of cargo through the key Sector gateway of Correx Prime. Most of the cargo that is smuggled into the sector has to passes under her baleful glare, and she makes sure to take her tithe. She is on respectable terms with most of the other crimelords, though he considers Rorogg the Hutt to be her nemesis. It is also said that she has the ear of the imperial governors and the noble council.

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