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Hobby Chemistry: CA Glue Activator

Hobby Chemistry: CA Glue Activator

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Home Made Super Glue Activator

Tutoring 1
Skill 0
Idea 2
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I’m trying to create and effective superglue activator that is simple and safe to make and gives good value for money.

Super Glue is basically a form of resin dissolved in an Acid, the chemical process for it to cure basically involves the moisture in the surrounding air which helps the chemical bonds form.

However, we also know that using an alkaline such as bicarbonate of soda can not only speed up this process but may, in fact, allow for an even stronger bond to be formed.

So in this experiment, I’m setting out to find what is the best way to create a liquified version of Bicarbonate of Soda that I can lightly spray onto glued joints to speed up the curing process.

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