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Jodain's SW:L Hobby Weekend

Jodain's SW:L Hobby Weekend

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Episode 8: The Last Fleet

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The Hobby Weekend might be in the past and the next weekend if closing in, but I shall continue.  I made a pledge for 2020 to complete all my Star Wars Legion figures so I shall keep going with this Project Blog.

First off thought is the finish of the Fleet Trooper that I started last Friday.  I did the bases yesterday with a layer of Vallejo Earth Texture – Dark Earth (cheaper than the GW equivalents) then a dry brush of Mid Stone.  Finally they are finished with my Woodland mix of various flocks.  After two coats of AP Anti-Shine from a rattle can they are completed, yes I know two coats seems excessive but it gives an extra bit of protection.

Completed Fleet TroopersCompleted Fleet Troopers

And so onwards.  The next unit to hit the painting table are the pathfinders, I’ve decided to use some contrast paints on these to try and speed them up a little, so they have been undercoated with GW Wraithbone.  I’m going to GW to pick up a pot of Creed Camo for the cloths.  The rest of the colour need working out.

Primed and ready for contrast.Primed and ready for contrast.

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