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Paining with my daughter or Opening the door to the hobby

Paining with my daughter or Opening the door to the hobby

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You are slow Daddy

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So while I worked my way through just one Badger, she did upstage me with this lot and the “Why are you so slow?!” …. *grrrr*

The following are all WiPs, the 2 first photod is the ones she send her friends complete with names

Complete with names Complete with names
by accident she did not make the group photo by accident she did not make the group photo
And my Badger And my Badger

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Dennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nicely done!

When my daughter lived at home we hobby’d a lot together.

She embraced her art-heart and went on to lock in a lot of scholarship money for her time in college.

Majoring in art, she now has a career in Marketing and is enjoying her ability to do what she enjoys to pay the bills.

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