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Wilco's Trafalgar's Ships of the Line

Wilco's Trafalgar's Ships of the Line

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Part Assembled, Prime and Zenith

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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All Primed and Zenethed.All Primed and Zenethed.

Part Assembled, Prime and Zenith

Once the clean up is done I assemble all the parts that wouldn’t impede the painting proses such as the rear windows to the hull, life boats, and front mast.

Normally I would use  Badger airbrush primer but I wanted to see what other options there are so I have go for Green Stuff Worlds: Black Matt Surface Primer.

the primer went down a treat, defiantly recommend it, remember when applying with an airbrush to thin 2-1 primer to thinner and always apply in multiple thin coats.

once primed I used a Vallejo Air White to Zenith the mini. As one of the main colours of the Victory is a yellow I want a lot stronger with the white so the yellow can chow up better.

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