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Reply To: Warhammer Fantasy Battle….'returns'??

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Warhammer Fantasy Battle….'returns'?? Reply To: Warhammer Fantasy Battle….'returns'??


Cult of Games Member

@piers Those two books are the only ones that deserve the title ‘Realms of Chaos’ …


Rebooting WFB as a ‘historic’ version of AoS sounds like a great idea.
I doubt that anyone who has converted to AoS or a different system is going to want to play it, but that need not be a problem.

In fact it could be the kick in the behind that the setting needed, because it gives them a chance to refresh the setting and ditch the illogical/conflicting background while still keeping the sentiment and overall look&feel.

I doubt they’re going to return to anything that is going to play like WFB ever did.
I’d expect something that I’d label ‘Apocalypse AoS’ using rectangular movement trays instead.
Drop in the lore of ‘the old world’ … and you’re done.
The only thing you’d really need is slightly updated versions of the classic armies, because as nostalgic as the old models were they are not going to sell to the new WFB audience. That might also be the reason why it might take them 2-3 years to do a proper release.

This project may be the only reason why they even bothered to do ‘Cities of Sigmar’ …

btw :

In video games industry lots of games get announced (and cancelled) while they still are a series of pre rendered CGI movies combined with a tech demo. As such I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets cancelled when there’s a change in GW management.

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