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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficiall weekender] It's friday y'all! Reply To: [unofficiall weekender] It's friday y'all!


Cult of Games Member

Pledge is easy this time.
Unbox my ‘tainted grail’ pledge ….

I also got a tabletop gaming convention to go to. 🙂
I doubt I’m going to see any wargames, but there may be a tiny chance of seeing Legion as they did have two tiny demo games when it was released.

1) What was your biggest regret/disappointment regarding the hobby?

Two words : Dropfleet Commander.
Such a great idea with so much potential … and then they sort of got overwhelmed by the demand.
I hope TTCombat can bring it back to life in the same way they did with Carnevale.

2) In your favourite board game, is there anything you’d really like to change?

I wish wargame companies like GW would have the guts to remove factions instead of selling us codexes/army books filled with models that are exclusive or not so ancient they look dated (or both).
Their two favourites (Chaos and Marines) get all the toys, are dead easy to buy and have easy-build options so they are very beginner friendly.
The rest ? Not so much.
The bonemarines got lucky, because they got more stuff for being a new faction.
Gloomspite gitz got a few repackaged troops and everything else (including their flockin’ leader) is web-only …

Everyone else only appears to have their basic infantry and maybe a HQ option.
Seriously …


3) As we are part way into November: do you have all Christmas presents for all your loved ones?

Can I say I hate Christmas ?
It’s not just the commercial aspect, but also how that Americanized version has managed to wreck the last bit of culture we have. As a final kick in the you-know-whats a small vocal group of *beep* *beeping* *beeps* have managed to hi-jack the traditional ‘Saint Nicolas’ celebration and turned it into a yearly whine fest.

We’ve got a flockin’ “Santa’s World” shop at a local shopping mall in November. Usually the *beeps* wait until Saint Nic has had his birthday ritual, but like I said … they’ve practically killed it because a few *beeping* idiots without a job felt offended by fantasy figures that may be interpreted as ‘racist’ if you ignore 99% of their historic origin.

/rant v2

phew … I needed that. Thanks for listening 😉
Now back to geekin’ out about shiny games.
I don’t know if I will have any interesting pictures tomorrow, because new stuff tends to happen at Spiel in Essen.

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