Pesky Goblins Scamper Out Of Atlantis Miniatures’ Cave

November 8, 2019 by brennon

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Atlantis Miniatures have been showing off some neat looking releases for those who want to build up a greenskin force on the tabletop. As well as a few Orcs in the mix the collection also includes some pesky looking Goblins which I wanted to focus on here.

Goblin Squad #1 - Atlantis Miniatures

Each of the models is packed with character and they break down into three miniatures per set, ready to be used as potential foes in a dungeon-delving adventure or possibly the core of a skirmishing force which is hitting the battlefield in one of the myriad number of Fantasy games out there.

Goblin Squad #2 - Atlantis Miniatures

Each of the models is unique and gives you a look at a different selection of Goblins who taken up different roles within your clan. I like the idea of potentially using them as leaders for your force instead, painting them up with warpaint and such and really making them a focus.

As well as the male versions of these Goblins they also have a set of Female Goblins which are sniggering and backstabbing their way into our hearts too.

Goblin Squad #3 - Atlantis Miniatures

These models are no doubt going to be a joy to paint. I've had the pleasure of checking out the final Dwarf models from their collection and they are very finely crafted with a lot of the detail you see here in the renders preserved at the end of the process. To that end, I would imagine these Goblins would be much the same.

Finally, we have this gruff-looking Goblin Assassin which reminds me very much of Styx from the video game of the same name.

Goblin Assassin - Atlantis Miniatures

I love the idea of using this fellow as a character in your roleplaying games rather than simply as part of an army. Armed with his duel daggers he would make for a perfect Rogue that has decided to leave the cave behind and pursue a more lucrative career as an adventurer and mercenary.

What do you make of the models?

"...he would make for a perfect Rogue that has decided to leave the cave behind and pursue a more lucrative career as an adventurer and mercenary"

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