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Curis' Rogue Trader and Warhammer 40K

Curis' Rogue Trader and Warhammer 40K

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Deathwatch Primaris Aggressors

Tutoring 8
Skill 21
Idea 16
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Deathwatch Primaris Aggressors

Space Marine Chapter founders love a good animal name. Mythical beasts of terror (Howling Griffons, Minotaurs, Silver Drakes…), apex predators (Space Wolves, Celestial Lions, White Panthers…), birds of prey (Hawk Lords, Necropolis Hawks, Raven Guard…), venomous reptiles (Iron Snakes, Viper Legion, Salamanders…). But I’ve just painted these Deathwatch, the Chapter named after tiny insects that burrow into your wooden furniture.

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Cult of Games Member

I was never really too fund of these models but you turned them into something beautiful. I stand corrected! Well done. Very impressive paint job and love choice of colours all the way around.

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