COG a Pulp Alley League
The Inner Circle Uncovered
The members of the Inner Circle of COG were a secretive bunch of characters, but some dude on youtube has uncovered unquestionable knowledge concerning their identities. As of yet it has not been established if it is their code names or nicknames that has been intercepted.
In a stroke of luck some photos of the Inner Circle has been found.
Although their respective role in the Inner Circle hasn’t been determined, it is believed that their code names could be a hint to their function.
Honcho is thought to be the leader of the league, with unwaivering support from his brother Boilerman, reportedly being named this due to his love of trains. Whizz, the tallest of the leagues members, is rumoured to be their strategist and a bottomless well of knowledge. Furious, complements Whizz, with his constent collection of news and rumours and is thought to be in charge of the leagues intelligence. Finally there is Alpha and Treadhead. The two are the best of friends and like to dress up in a similar style, which might explain why they both wear some uniform of sorts. Alpha is known for striking first and has also been seen to be Honcho’s main henchman. Treadhead, has as his name implies a love of tanks, he is also known to be the main go to guy when Honcho wants hard work to be done. Although, they certainly have some colorful personalities, it is when they come together as a league that they are most dangerous in the Pulp Alley(s) of the world.
– All reseamblance to actual persons or events, historical or present, is pure coincidence. No Gamers or other Hobbyists were injured in the making of this project. No dudes or guys on youtube can be held responsible for the content of this project. –
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