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Star Wars Legion Purchase Recommendation Vids

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  hobbyhub 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi All,

    If you are looking to get into Star Wars: Legion and want some help with the decision making process then I would recommend the YouTube videos of Crabbok.  He has over 250 vids the his Star Wars: legion playlist

    He plays the game  quite a bit and runs demos for FFG at both GenCon and Star Wars Celebration.  Quite recently he put out what to purchase guides for people on a budget for the 2 new  factions in the game from the Clone Wars era.

    He has similar vids for Empire and Rebels but they are a bit older now, so further down his list of vids.







    And the Separatists


    Cult of Games Member

    I recently found Crabboks channel whilst looking for X-Wing 2.0 info (only just gotten around to updating my 1.0 stuff) and found him  very engaging


    Cult of Games Member

    I first discovered Crabbok when I was waiting for Legion to launch.  I was looking for more coverage as I was pretty jazzed for the game.  He does a good job and I agree @hubbyhub he is entertaining to watch and listen to.  You can tell he has a true passion for Star Wars.


    Crabbok is the one that got me to dip my toes into Armada.  But every time I make a list of models that I want to run and use in my forces I find that they are in very short supply and have to wait for the next print run.  When X-Wing went 2.0 @dawfydd I think it short circuited my drive to build up my Armada collection.  Fear of having to buy stuff over again I guess.  I do have quite a collection of X-Wing but have not bought into 2.0, yet……


    X-Wing was the game that my wife watched me play and then asked if she could play or possibly have her own setup.  I play Empire mostly but did collect the Rebels for when I felt like doing something different.  So when she asked I was all set! ??


    Cult of Games Member

    @templar007 I found a great wheeze courtesy of Phibert – they are running a 75% discount on all in-stock French language X-Wing 1.0.  I had to wait whilst a check was coming in which meant I missed out on TIE Reapers & Strikers, but I’ve scored almost £400 of various fighters for just over £100 including postage. Filled in most of my outstanding Rebels & Imperials, plus a few Fringe ships that looked cool. I may also have signed up to an X-Wing tournament at the FLGS next weekend as my first experience of 2.0 and my first game of X-Wing almost since the games initial waves 😉

    Armada’s pretty rad as well. But the small print runs and long re-print times are killer. Doesn’t help the core set buy-in is a bit eye-watering. Looking forward to the game getting a boost when they enter the Clone Wars late 2020.

    Kinda sad that they have no more plans for Imperial Assault though. I get the skirmish mode becoming kinda irrelevant with Legion showing up, but feels like they’ve missed opportunities to do stuff with the game in the Clone Wars or First Order eras…. Ah well, at least it means I can get caught up on the last few boxed expansions 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd I think the entire Star Wars game series has missed a lot of opportuntities to do stuff or at the very least manage the schedule of releases so you don’t have to wait forever for certain aspects of a theatre/battle to get covered …

    @hobbyhub thanks for the link, because it’s exactly what I was looking for the Star Wars hobby weekend.

    yikes … 2 core sets ? that is kind of expensive



    @limburger  You’re welcome, was hoping someone going to the hobby weekend would find it useful.

    2 core set – yeah, and I’m beginning to get worried that enough people are going to take the advice to cause the OTTer store runners a concern with how many they have ordered…

    Perhaps buy one now and get one for X-mas, if that is in your culture   (X-mas that is).


    I think FFG have missed several beats, the most glaring one for me was not doing a big enought tie-in to Battlefront II.  The only instance of Inferno squad is Iden Versio appearing as a unique crew(?) card in Armada where the ship she is on can either:

    A) cancel one die when it evades.

    B) execute a raid on an enemy ship, so long as it’s at close range, and then the card is discarded.

    The only other mention from the video game, as far as I’m aware, is the Corvus as a Title card for an Imperial Raider, also in Armada.

    My idea would have been a multi system pack that makes use of all of the members of Inferno Squad and have them

    1) squad of 3 + the droid in Legion

    2) cards and ships for X-Wing – I think their TIE Fighters were painted black

    3) Armada – what they got plus a TIE Fighter squadron card.

    Try and flog it as collectors item come game merch for video gamers to get them into one of the above tabletop games.



    Cult of Games Member

    @hobbyhub IMHO additional core sets are overkill for anyone starting with this game. I agree that it does make for a good Saint Nicolas/Christmas present. It effectively makes it a safe recommendation as you won’t have to worry about duplicates. 😀

    It does make me worry that the core game itself is stupendously imbalanced when the droids ‘need’ 3 core sets and the clone troopers have enough units in 2.

    You should be glad they didn’t link the game with the disaster that was Battlefront 2. The negative feedback due to the lootboxes and lack of content (compared to previous games in the series) would have killed interest in Legion before it began.

    The link with both cartoon series (Rebels & Clonewars) is a real missed opportunity. IIRC the ‘Ghost’ was available in X-wing v1 and we’ve only got Sabine for Legion. Clonewars is only giving us Rex so far. Anakin and his apprentice (name? she’s got weird hair that looks like snakes) would be so cool to have as a pair of leaders for clone troopers. And then there’s that Gunship that is so often used in the series. That troop transport would be so much cooler than a tank.

    btw : given the ‘soft’ plastic … does regular plastic glue work on these things or is superglue recommended ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger I think part of their logic is if there are two of you interested buy two sets, each gets one of the factions and then both get copies of the rules and whatnot. Which has kindof been their MO for X-Wing & Armada as well. Not great but understandable.

    And yeah, the drama around Battlefront 2 was…. avoidable.  Shall we say. I was quite glad not to have brought it at launch (it was stupid cheap in the new year) but as I’ve gotten into it it’s grown on me. I do rather wish there was more done with the space combat as that is pretty sharp (apparently that part was built by the Burnout team at Criterion), but hopefully we should see more content as the ramp up to Rise of Skywalker kicks in…

    They did tie-in to Rebels with the various Specter team members, Thrawn and Ahsoka, and I would not be surprised if the Republic get a Commander or Operative version of Ahsoka. It has been a bit of a missed opportunity though I agree. They are releasing some X-Wing tie-ins to Resistance, so that’s something at least.
    Personally I’m planning on filling in gaps in the range via Shapeways for the Rebels – There’s a pretty sweet take on Kyle Katarn & Jan Orrs that I’ve got plans for, Doctor Aphra looks groovy, and there’s a nice spread of alternate Rebels and plenty of bits for customisation on there….


    Cult of Games Member

    And the plastic is much like the “restic” that Privater Press & CMON used to use a lot, so polystyrene cement won’t work on it – you will need to use superglue


    Cult of Games Member

    Ahsoka … that was the name I was looking for.
    It does look like FFG are switching to proper plastic as they have sprues for some of the content in the Clone wars box.

    That is if that is proper plastic and not simply cheap way of not having to cut&clean the parts …


    Cult of Games Member

    I would say the Legion soft plastic is much better quality than Restic. The detail is crisp and the multipart pieces go together without adjustment. Superglue is recommended however.

    I just built the two squads of droids from the Clone Wars set which went together very easily (if a little fiddly). Though the hard plastics are nice (allowing for a greater degree of customisation), I actually think I prefer the soft plastics for the sheer speed you can get them together.


    Cult of Games Member

    generally speaking 2 core sets for FFG games is a standard thing to do. They’re clever in that they put enough in the box to play a game but it becomes so much easier if you buy two sets and the value isn’t bad at all.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for this Hobbyhub!



    Crabbok has been at it again, this time doing a bit of list building, which I find is a fun part of the hobby…

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