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Learning Photoshop with Valour and Victory

Learning Photoshop with Valour and Victory

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The French

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Here are all the French Unit’s needed for Talavera which seemed like a good starting point especially since I found a guy who has done a ton of work and written up some scenario’s for Blucher that you can download here.

French Artillery. For this Battle only the French have actual Artillery. The British liked to spread theirs out among the various Brigades rather than concentrate it. The French method is generally seen as the better one.French Artillery. For this Battle only the French have actual Artillery. The British liked to spread theirs out among the various Brigades rather than concentrate it. The French method is generally seen as the better one.
French Dragoon. Dragoons were extremely Common in Spain.French Dragoon. Dragoons were extremely Common in Spain.
French HussarsFrench Hussars
French Light Infantry with a Skirmish ScreenFrench Light Infantry with a Skirmish Screen
French Line Infantry with a Skirmish Screen and Attached ArtilleryFrench Line Infantry with a Skirmish Screen and Attached Artillery
French Line Infantry with a Skirmish ScreenFrench Line Infantry with a Skirmish Screen
The PolishThe Polish

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