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While in Malifaux

While in Malifaux

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Project Blog by while Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 44

About the Project

I've been eyeing Malifaux for some time, and with the release of 3rd edition I thought it was about time! I enjoy smaller model count skrimish games as it get's me playing quickly with a painted force. I've been looking for something to try out some Contrast paint on too.

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Lloyd shots

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 2


Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2
1 Comment

Lastly, we have Kaeris. All the metals was based a bright silver, and I used various Contrast paints to change the color. I like the effect. I used the artwork for inspiration, but I have no idea how to do the glowing hands. I’d love some ideas!

Kaeris art, with awesome flamey handsKaeris art, with awesome flamey hands
My painted Kaeris mini without awesome flamey handsMy painted Kaeris mini without awesome flamey hands

Fire Gamin

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 0
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Painting the Fire Gamin to match the art was pretty straight forward. Just some Gryph-hound Orange contrast and the flames. I also kept the loin-cloths with the same colors as the rest of the minis to tie them all together.

Fire Gamin 1Fire Gamin 1
Fire Gamin 2Fire Gamin 2
Fire Gamin 3Fire Gamin 3

So most minis there can only be one of, but these guys have the keyword Minion (3). That means I can field all three.

And there are three cards too, one to match each pose!

Fire Gamin and cardsFire Gamin and cards

Painting the Kaeris Core box

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 4
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The Kaeris Core Box had more beautiful, but fiddly to assemble minis. There are a lot of parts to the minis, but they do look good in the end.

In this box there was profile cards for the minis included. I’m not sure my first box was a mispack or what, but it was nice that the cards were included.

The cards had a very good card stock, and the printing was very good and vibrant. The art for Malifaux is nice too! I still need to read more rules to be able to say anything about what layout and what it all means.

Let’s see some minis.

The FirestarterThe Firestarter
Eternal Flame Eternal Flame

This is the third time trying to write this post, but had it crash when publishing, so I’m not including more now. More to come!

Expanding the collection

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I started to read more about the rules and realized Elijah Borgmann was only and Enforcer and there was Masters to be had!

I was ordering some other stuff online and happened across the M3E Kaeris Core Box. So in the cart it went.

Kaeris Core BoxKaeris Core Box

Kaeris and the rest of the box shares the same keyword as the Burning Bridges box: Wildfire. I have still yet to discover what that means, but I’m thinking it’s a good place to start.

Painting the Flames

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

I thought I’d touch on how I painted the flames, as they’re pretty prominent on most of the figures.

I primed the miniatures in Wraithbone spray primer from Games Workshop.

I then prepared three Contrast paints, all from Games Workshop: Iyaden Yellow, Gryph-hound Orange and Blood Angels Red.

I applied the yellow all over the flames, but just tinting it, not letting it pool in the recesses as flames goes from light to dark, not dark to light as we usually paint things. With the yellow still wet I switched to the orange and painted higher points fully with the orange, again not letting it pool.

Again with the previous layer still wet I applied the red to even higher points.

I found the wet layers blended together pretty well and I was happy with the effect.

Fire Golem for flame resultsFire Golem for flame results

I went back in and drybrushed some black on the tips of the flames too, for a little smokey sooty effect.

I’m also considering going back in and using some white for the deepest recesses to simulate even warmer flames.

All the flamesAll the flames

Painting the Flames

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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I thought I’d touch on how I painted the flames, as they’re pretty prominent on most of the figures.

I primed the miniatures in Wraithbone spray primer from Games Workshop.

I then prepared three Contrast paints, all from Games Workshop: Iyaden Yellow, Gryph-hound Orange and Blood Angels Red.

I applied the yellow all over the flames, but just tinting it, not letting it pool in the recesses as flames goes from light to dark, not dark to light as we usually paint things. With the yellow still wet I switched to the orange and painted higher points fully with the orange, again not letting it pool.

Again with the previous layer still wet I applied the red to even higher points.

I found the wet layers blended together pretty well and I was happy with the effect.

Fire Golem for flame resultsFire Golem for flame results

I went back in and drybrushed some black on the tips of the flames too, for a little smokey sooty effect.

I’m also considering going back in and using some white for the deepest recesses to simulate even warmer flames.

All the flamesAll the flames

Burning Bridges

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’ve heard rumors that Wyrd minis are fiddly, and this box confirmed that. The minis are beautiful sculpts and a great quality, all in plastic. But the box came without instructions. All the minis are many, many parts, but mostly fairly straight forward to build. Right arm and right hand goes on the right side and so on. But the Fire Golem was all differently shaped flame parts. I did find instructions online after finding what previous set the mini was in, but it did take some digging to find.

I decided to use Contrast for this project for a few reasons. Firstly because I had some experiments using them, and want to do more. Secondly because I wanted to have the minis done fast. I took some inspiration from the art work, and I also wanted to have a uniformed look to them. I’ve not read any lore at this point, just looking at the art. I imagined them being part of the same organization, so that’s why I wanted the uniform look. I’m also kinda lazy?

Anyway, you probably came for the pictures!

Fire GolemFire Golem
Elijah BorgmannElijah Borgmann

Oh, and I didn’t get any profile cards in the box which surprised me, so I had to place an order for a card pack. But I still havent gotten it, so I’m not even sure what these guys do..! But they’re painted and ready for playing!

Starting with Malifaux 3ED

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’ve been eyeing Malifaux for some time. There’s some interesting models for the game and it seems like it have some cool and different game mechanics. I’ve never used playing cards for playing miniature games before. Seems like you can have some influence on how your minis are doing in game more than with a dice roll.

There’s no better time to start with a new game as when there’s a release of a new edition! So I saw an opportunity when Malifaux 3ED came out late this summer and the LFGS Tabletopbattle put up a pre-order.

I generally go by the rule of cool when picking factions and had a look through the different box sets available. I decided on getting the Burning Bridges, as the flames looks really cool, and I wanted to try using Contrast paints for them.

Box art that peaked my interest the most!Box art that peaked my interest the most!

Let’s see how they look painted in the next one!

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