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Cult of Games Member

oh goodie … yet another boycott. That’ll show them *roll eyes*

Diversity in the workforce is an impossible idea.
To force a bussiness into a ‘diverse’ hiring strategy is corporate suicide plain and simple.
Never mind that such ‘diversity’ plans are suspiciously one-sided. It must feel real good to know that the only reason you were hired was an enforced ‘diversity quotum’ and not your competence as a person.

And a ‘voice at the table’ ?
Good management already knows that it has to respect its workforce and respresent them to upper management layers.
Bad management isn’t going to start treating its workforce better because a union official is there to set them straight.

Kickstarter is providing a service that is an essential part of the economy.
And no amount of whining is going to change the need for a company providing such things.

Every company on this planet has done things that are ‘unethical’ or of ‘questionable integrity’.
If I were to boycott those that offended me I’d be on a desert island somewhere growing my own food.

Or has anyone even looked at how Paypal and the credit card companies operate ? None of them smell of roses when you start digging into their behaviour.

Besides … the golden era of kickstarters/crowdfunding is over as it has become so crowded with projects that you need to be very lucky to gain funding for any given random idea. That’s why we’re seeing companies experiment with alternate forms of crowdfunding.

The response of kickstarter management to unionizing is already showing how scared they really are. Things aren’t going as smoothly as they used to. They’re simply doing what is a basic human response in times of trouble : defending the status quo using whatever means available. They see this union as a disruptive proces (and it is).

A boycott (if a critical mass were to be reached) would only succeed in accelerating the downfall that has already begun.
And it’s not like what kickstarter is doing is something no one else can copy …
It’s the cycle of life. The honeymoon is over. Death comes a knockin.

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