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01/10/19 Edit to lable work


First up some Grim Hammers. There are 12 in all. I bought them for an ex about 2-3 years ago and they were still here while she is not. I gave them to a cousin then and he has been scarce lately so I decided to keep them and paint them up. These have since been finished and I will be posting pics of them later today.




My kitbashed Sons of Medusa Primaris Captain: he has a Tartaros Terminator Power Sword, Devastator Missile Launcher backpack and old metal Iron Hand upgrade kit head. He has also since been finished.




A quick and simple objective marker I made for Warhammer 40,000. All the cannisters were loose pieces which I was afraid I would misplace so I just glued them together.




@somegeezer sent me some Catachan heads as I thought the ones that come with the kit are too cheap/playmobil looking. They will be added to my Mantis Warriors detachment, at least some day when I get weather for priming.




The terrain I finished building with my GF at her place. Space Marine for scale comparrison. Its a quick to build and impressively big kit.





And this was annoying enough to do so I wont be reordering the photos…

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