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Infinity Roleplaying Game, What to Buy?

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  onlyonepinman 5 years ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Me and a group of friends are thinking of getting into the Infinity Roleplaying Game by Modiphius and we are wondering, apart from the core book, what would be required/recommended to get to start with. Can anyone give some advice?


    Cult of Games Member

    Core book, Players & GM Guides plus a set of the combat dice (preferably for each player). They did a pad of player character sheets, but not sure if those have been released to retail yet.

    Beyond that they have several car decks for locations, quick scenarios and pre-built NPC’s, and the faction books have some faction-specific character classes beyond the background material they include….



    The Core book has an awful lot of information in there, so my first thought was that it’s everything you need to get started, book-wise. If you know from playing the skirmish game or from initial reading that there’s a faction or planet you’re going to want to focus on, then I’d get the faction book for that if it’s available.

    I would recommend the dice set, or at least a set of combat dice. These are D6s, but some of the faces don’t represent their numeric value, so while you don’t need them, they will take some of the extra thinking out of it. The Hit Location dice is pretty cool too. Combat Dice from Star Wars Adventures or Conan will work just as well, if not necessarily cosmetically right for the game.

    Note that the Player’s Guide is basically just information from the core rulebook in a smaller/cheaper form. That doesn’t make it a bad thing to get, especially if you have a larger group and only one core rulebook between you, but I always think it’s worth highlighting that so you know what you’re getting.

    The character sheet pads are available to retailers that Kickstarted it, for my shame I’ve not got ours photographed and on the webstore yet, but you should be able to find them. Note that there is a really good online character builder too, at


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for the responses @dawfydd & @shinygames

    Based on the responses I’m planning on getting the core book, the GM guide and some dice. I can add the player’s guide if funds allow, but shouldn’t be necessary as far as I understand.

    I’m also thinking of getting the GM screen, any opinions on that?



    I’ve not seen it yet, but based on what’s in there it’s probably not a bad idea – if you’re a GM screen using kind of Ref.

    I was also going to say earlier but forgot, that personally with a setting so deeply thought out and different to others like Infinity, I really appreciate having some additional pre-written scenarios to read to get the hang of how a mission typically works, even if I don’t intend to run those scenarios. In that respect Adventures in the Human Sphere is probably a good book to look at, but as the GM Screen contains 2 adventures that’s probably a really useful buy too.


    Cult of Games Member

    The players guides are quite reasonably priced and I would say its probably worth players picking one up for themselves. As a GM you will need the core book and very little else. The GM guide is probably a luxury that is useful but not essential.  I would be more likely to invest extra funds in adventure modules.

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