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Reply To: Poland 1939 – Preparing for 80th Anniversary of World War II

Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions Poland 1939 – Preparing for 80th Anniversary of World War II Reply To: Poland 1939 – Preparing for 80th Anniversary of World War II



@yavasa I came across a reference that may be of interest to you.

Polen Feldzug: Hilter und Stalin zerschlagen die Polnische Republik by Janusz Piekalkiewicz published in 1982. Unfortunately it does not mention the publisher.

In this book the German general staff daily situation maps have been reprinted in it.

I have a book that reprinted the same maps for the German actions in Finland.  I found them very useful with lots of insight.  It is amazing the amount of information the Germans record in these maps and the notes they submit with them.  Some of the Finnish maps they made are down to hourly updates.

I hope it is some use to you,  but as usual out is all from the German point of view.

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