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Reply To: Backstage Membership costs?

Home Forums COG – Green Room Backstage Membership costs? Reply To: Backstage Membership costs?


Cult of Games Member

Great discussion, everyone.  I saw this pop up in the sidebar earlier but didn’t click on it, frankly I’ve never considered the $5 USD / month a “cost.”  But then @warworksdk tagged me (thanks for the mention) 😀 and I wound up reading the thread.

Once we hit @deaddave‘s comment re: a HobbyLab revival, I have to say I agree at least somewhat with literally every post in this thread, positive and otherwise.

That said, I don’t feel the $5 USD is anywhere close to a large price to pay.  Speaking of which, @warzan , do we still have the option of buying “donation” Backstage passes for people?

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