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Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon

Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon

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Hephaistos Expansion: Prometheus, Acamas, Hephaistos, Pandora, Caucasion Eagle

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 3
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Prometheus’ stony limbs were overbrushed skavenblight dinge, the drubrushed stormvermin fir followed by karak stone.


All the skin was basecoated bugman’s glow, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted cadian fleshtone followed by kislev flesh.


Pandora’s dress was painted apothecary white and her magical bubbly stuff was painted talassar blue.


The red toga was painted mephiston red, washed carroburg crimson, then highlighted evil sunz scarlet followed by wild rider red.


The browns were basecoated mournfang brown, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted skrag brown.


The grey hair was basecoated mechanicus standard grey then highlighted dawntone followed by administratum grey.


The steel was painted leadblecher, washed nuln oil, then highlighted iornbreaker followed by runefang steel.


Pandora’s box was basecoated retributor armour, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted auric armour gold.


The eagle was undercoated zandri dust, washed agrax earthshade, then the beak and talons were picked out with karak stone.


The flames, molten metal and red-hot metal tools were painted macharius solar orange, the hottest regions were given a layer of flash gitz yellow, then they had an all-over wash of fuegan orange. The tops of the flames were drybrushed with corvus black.


Acamas’ eye was painted pallid wych flesh then his pupil was picked out with a black pen.


Pandora’s face and any other region that would be in the blue glow of her magic was drybrushed white scar then glazed guilliman blue.


Any region that should be illuminated by the glow of a red-hot object was drybrushed white scar then glazed bloodletter followed by lamenters yellow.

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