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Runoff the Putrid Paindealer

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Is it rotting or fermenting?

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Considering the project and my absolute piss poor time management this has been on the backburner for a while. It being the last part of August and looking ahead to a birthday, Giftmas hijinks for sundancer (really a yearly thing I think), a couple of random projects for fun and now getting on to painting the Orktober build from last year for a painting competition I really wonder about when I’m going to get to this project. As with all other members of these forums there is always the biting off more than we can chew. As mentioned earlier I have things from well before that I need to paint which I’m now just getting to. Could this mean *gasp* not getting any more minis?! No, I don’t need my temperature taken… especially there. No spirit of Nurgle is overtaking me so don’t worry.

With that all considered I will put one more pot on the fire in order to completely cover this stovetop. Off to order some more stuff and get into the build/paint back and forth until I burn myself out and take a break. Really this is the best kind of hobbying as it produces tangible results. All the “feel good” notions of accomplishment without results really leave me feeling empty. A painted mini in hand after sealing it, long after the basecoat “this looks like total shit” phase, is where I feel best. Like kimchi or good beer these things take time. Riding high on the completion of a figure and moving to the next one might be addicting but to share the love and pass these things along seems right. Now time to make something abhorrent and share it with the world.

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