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Vapian's Hobby League German Army by Chris

Vapian's Hobby League German Army by Chris

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Woo First Post! Look Mum I'm On The Internet!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
Woo First Post! Look Mum I'm On The Internet!

It all started with an Facebook message. I usually abhor technology in terms of I much prefer time with the kids, that isn’t through a screen. But then I am writing this on the PC, with the TV blaring in the background and the other day I bought an Echo Dot just to make my morning coffee complete with a backdrop of music.


I digress already.


John Lyons and myself came together and decided we needed to record our own projects for the Flames Of War Hobby League. I am already running an army through the Battlefront UK Office’s League (which you can catch all the updates on over at our website but I felt like doing something else.


Everyone always tells me how good German forces in FOW are. I’ve always been nervous to paint camo on Panzers. What better way to overcome my fear and become a power gamer, what with the new German Book being released with the German D-Day Book? Panzers Marsch!


So I immediately begged, borrowed (no stealing) and bought myself some Panzer IV’s from the excellent range offered by Battlefront. They are the Late war version H with the zimmerheit and the schurzen skirts on the turret and sides. I am reliably informed if I paint these well, they look awesome. See some of my fellow hobbyist’s projects to see this fact proven. But this isn’t an army on it’s own. So although I had convinced the wife to let me get together 8 Panzers, I needed something with a little more bang.


Panthers. Love them. Ever since the first kit came out in plastic, I have had some sprues knocking around at home and I knew I needed to include some in the army. Sadly for the points, I could only afford x3. But that was enough to strike fear deep into the heart of the enemy.


Combine this with full platoons of Panzer Grenadiers and I had close to 100points of Germans, with relatively few models to paint. Which in this age of time constraints, real life and work, is a blessing.


So what does this first part of my force look like after sticking them together and basecoating them?

Excuse them still being in their carry case... Photoshoot incoming on a future post!Excuse them still being in their carry case... Photoshoot incoming on a future post!
Woo First Post! Look Mum I'm On The Internet!

I basecoated the Panthers and Panzers with an old tin of Colours of War ‘Panther Yellow’ we had in the office and used ‘Grenadier Green’ for the troops. My plan is to wash them, highlight and then apply decals. That should get me a table ready force in no time.


Said everyone ever.


After 2 nights of pin washing and tidying up where the spray hadn’t reached, I was left with this motley sight

Woo First Post! Look Mum I'm On The Internet!
Woo First Post! Look Mum I'm On The Internet!

Tonight and tomorrow I will be looking to finish layering around the pin wash and decide on a camo scheme. This is the most fun for any project for me. Get the reference books, colour plates and search the internet for that perfect scheme.


Now just to actually make a decision and decide

I also need to raid the wife’s make up box for some sponges for that Green Paint camo scheme…

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GazRobertDennis CrossChris Potter Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

What a great article/project!

You inspire me to think out and spend more time putting my project blogs together.

Well done! ??


Welcome buddy, great to have you join our little group of project posters on here and great to see another German project.

A great start to your project and looking forward to seeing which colour scheme you go for. So many great options with the German force and that was something that definitely drew me to them.

Happy hobbying 🙂

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