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Good Morning All!

Another evening of convalescence yesterday, but my fever has broken, and now I just feel like I need to sleep for a week. I’ve got a teaching session after work, and was supposed to meet my painting group tonight, but I think I’ll have to give that a pass. I’ll just drop off a few finished battle boards at my LGS and call it a night.

@skiptotheend Sarissa has some good buildings that might fit your needs:

Retail Unit Scenery Set

My missus has their entire western range and is quite happy with them.

@unclejimmy How true! Those comics aren’t far off. I had almost forgotten about the bad times I had at GW!

The Wargame Exclusive models are a bit pricey, but worth it. I’ll be saving cash on other weapons systems. I’m using Robogear walkers as alien ‘tanks.’ I’m not usually a fan of walkers, but these look like they can squat down and adopt a low profile. I also wanted something entirely different from my human kit. I’ll swap out the weapons for Tau armament, and maybe put in some Tau-ish armour bits here and there. These are only $7.00, and available from a number of sources on EBay.


I’ll also be using parts of their Bronekorpus tanks for the human combat team, also $7.00:


I’ll be using the turret, less the silly radar dish, on this dollar store chassis, along with plasticard schurzen:


Then I’ll use the chassis for an APC , as it has a rear ramp. You can also switch the tracks around. This looks better:


I’ve got a smaller dollar store turret to mount on the top. I’ll put a GW laser in the turret, hang a dual missile launcher on it, and put a ma deuce on the top with a wrap around gun shield. I’ll also raise up the chassis a bit when I glue the tracks on. You just have to knock off the posts that glue them in.

Something I got in my e-mail today. This could apply equally to Manitoba or Saskatchewan:

The Amazing Race

Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Alberta is planning to do its
own, titled ‘Survivor – Alberta Style.’

The contestants will start in Calgary, travel over to Brooks and Lethbridge. Then they will head north to Wainwright then up to Cold Lake. From there they will proceed to Fort Mac, Slave Lake and Grand Prairie. The final leg will be back to Calgary !

Each will be driving a pink Volvo with Quebec license plates and a HUGE bumper sticker that reads: I’m gay. I’m a vegetarian. Beer is harmful to your health. Conservatives suck. Trudeau is God. Deer hunting is murder, and I’m here to confiscate your guns.’

The first one who makes it back to Calgary alive wins…

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