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Night Lords by Mage updated 29/10/19 Forgefiend Update

Night Lords by Mage updated 29/10/19 Forgefiend Update

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Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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A few years ago when the Daemon Engines came out I had mixed feelings about them. Now that time has passed and I have started work on this model, which admittedly has been on the backburner for too long, I have to say I really like them. They will a unique Chaos aspect of the Traitor Legions that was kind of missing since Epic 40,000 all those years ago.


And who cares if they kind of look like dino-bots? Since when were Transformers not cool?


I furiously drybrushed this guy with gold paint before realising the previous purple paint job was still showing through. I gave him another coat of the same gold mixed with Lahmia medium. A little but is still showing through after an Agrax Earthshade wash but since I will be painting over some of this again with other colours it is a non issue.


One of the heads has a little progress while some of the weapons still need the Agrax Earthshade wash. I think it looks cool already even though I have not blocked in the base colours yet.

Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute
Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute
Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute
Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute
Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute
Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute
Entry 39: Initial Work on Hellbrute

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