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40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

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Sunday's Progress

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Had a later finish at work today, but still got a good two hours in before I’ve decided to call it quits for the day.

I’ve managed to finish off the shoulder pads for the second intercessor squad and get the basing done. I’ll do a bit of a touch up around the base edges tomorrow and with any luck my Forgeworld decals should turn up and I can get some chapter badges and squad numbers sorted out.

This initial flame is put on with Mephiston Red. The second step is a coat of Evil Sunz Scarlet slightly on the inside of the first colour. The third and fourth steps are Vallejo Light Orange (don’t really have the right GW orange) and finally Yriel Yellow getting slightly smaller each time. I’ve changed the flame simply to mark out the different squads.


I use the same colours for the lava on the bases though I worry less about drying time and will apply it while the previous coats are still a little wet. The bases themselves are just an Army Painter black basing grit, with a small amount of brown cork mixed through. I’ll drop the odd Army Painter wasteland tuft on as well before they’re done.

Finally a quick shot of the squad awaiting they’re final touch up.

Sunday's Progress

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I do like the bases, tie in really nicely with your paint scheme! Good progress, looking forward to seeing this project continue!


Bases are very cool.

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