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40k Hobby Weekend Tau of the Shattered Sword

40k Hobby Weekend Tau of the Shattered Sword

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Saturday Afternoon Update

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Continued to work on the Tau Fire Warriors and Tau Commander.  Painted the rifles and puttees.  Started to focus on the Tau Commander.  Put a light drybrush of purple onto the outside of the cloak on the Tau Commander. Still much to do.

Time for a break from the Fire Warriors.  The transparent flight stand for the one Using an airbrush, primed the tau suits and various drones.  The transparent flight stand for the one  Crisis Suit was masked off prior to priming.   This was followed up with a coat of USAF Military Grey.

With the airbrush out, the Broadside Suit was also primed.  For easy of painting the rail gun was not attached.  The spots where the rail gun will be glued, received blu tack as masking.  The suite was primed black and this was followed by a coating of Vallejo Arena Sand.   As the barrel of the rail gun was going to be painted black, this received minimal attention while air brushing the Arena Sand.

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Good progress, keep up the good work!

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