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So I could just paint per the box art. But that is too easy plus both have red in the scheme on the boxes, and Protectorate of Menoth has white which is tricky.

So after a bit of research online for inspiration I came across:

Protectorate of Menoth in gold (excellent as I have a mountain of Citadel Retributor Gold thanks to Conquest Magazine issue 1!) – 3 Colours Up: Painting Protectorate Gold Armour

For the Khador SchnauzerFaceMinis You Tube has an interesting Red and Green version which goes with the soviet style of Khador – Painting Warmachine & Hordes: Khador Kodiak 
If you want a more standard option based on the box art check out – 3 Colours Up: Painting Khador Red Base Colours & Glazing

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