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40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

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Saturday's Progress

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2
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Only managed around 2 hours tonight, but only one more day of work to go so I’ll push for a little more work tomorrow night. Managed to finish off the final layer of highlighting today, except for a couple of quick hits on the bare faces with a slightly lighter grey. I’m going to have to go back in tomorrow and clean a few bit up, got a bit tired and sloppy at the end. Still getting to grips with edge highlighting so some of it is a little thick, though when it’s not zoomed in under a light box it’s looking fine.

The first image is from before this layer, the second is after. Although as I type this I’m realising I forgot to do the cording over his shoulder pad, but I’ll just hit that quickly tomorrow.

Final highlights are done with: Liberator Gold on the eagles/skulls etc, Tuskgor Fur on the pouches and holsters, Stormhost Silver on metallic areas, Wild Rider Red on the Seals, White Scar on the Parchment and Moot Green on the armour.

2nd squad nearing completion.2nd squad nearing completion.

I also decided to pull out the airbrush and prime the tactical squad and the Redemptor dreadnought from the Apocalypse box. I’m going to end up magnetising the gun options and possible to body to the legs on this guy. (Again terrible photo of the dread, but it’s just a prime coat 🙂 )

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