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Cult of Games Member

@coxjul the Police clearly thought it was serious enough to sit them both down though didn’t they? Cops don’t just respond to every tip off or referral they have a Filtering process just like a Hospital Emergency Room does. Otherwise you could just “SWAT” people you don’t like with the Counter Terror Task Force. Granted as they said once it was explained to them what was going on the Police did the right thing but it never should have got to that stage.

“Yeah we need the men with the guns that like stop the Terrorists and stuff ’cause we found a no-no book in the bag of a Student and he was like talking with his friends and stuff about like some bad people flags or something yeah Tuesday works”

One look at his social media would have shown them he was a wargamer they (Police and School) both CHOSE not to ask him politely what he was doing or to do any of their own research instead they get the Law Involved and Drag him in for an extremely intimidating meeting.

Word of advice for anyone going to sit down with a University is tape everything. Tape it all. If you take legal action (as I imagine these two are) then it’s good evidence and if you decide not to go down the legal route getting the tapes to the media can really help make sure it doesn’t happen to other people.

Anyone who thinks this kid isn’t now on a watch list (even a very minor one) and that his information/metadata wasn’t sourced by police is kidding themselves.

The University should take action against the Staff and although it should be done I highly doubt the Nation Union of Teachers will take any action against them even though they clearly violated the Union Agreement to boycott the scheme.

I can absolutely confirm things like those that happened to your son happened to me as well @brucelea
I’ve read “Mein Kampf” on a University Campus, I’ve also read “For My Legionaries” and “My Life” Mosley’s Biography all on Campus while studying Nationalism for an assignment and the idea that anyone would consider that something worthy of police action is extremely worrying. People give you looks, people contact you and ask a lot of weird questions acting like you’re some kind of lunatic for daring to read books.

People get so terrified of something and the first thing they do is assume you support it. People need to learn that it is completely possible for someone to despise Nazism and yet still research, collect, paint and game with SS miniatures. Perhaps if they did the same they could see that a lot of their issues about the SS have nothing to do with the SS you’re building (the Waffen SS) but the SS-TV (Camp Guards) and the Gestapo but instead of learning or even just asking they leap to conclusions that because you picked the bad guys (The Waffen SS were still despicable) you’re a bad person. Funny how the same thing isn’t done with people who collect LOTR Orc/Uruk Hai Armies or people who collect the forces of the USSR which killed far more people than the Nazi’s, those people are just having fun with the “Bad Guys” but if you even think about Fascists you’re bad.

Anyone who thinks it’s going to get better is delusional. Our Community is just too small to get noticed right now but just wait, we’ve already seen a little with 40K but it won’t stop there.

While writing this I popped over to my Universities Online Book Store and they’re selling work by Adolf Hitler, I’d love to know what School this guy went to because I guarantee you their book store would also sell “Fascist” Material.

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