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First steps into Flames of War V4

First steps into Flames of War V4

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Side project improvised army case

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 7

As a side project i am going to try and make an army case from this old ammo can i picked up at war and peace for five quid.

I know its not from ww2 but the rule of cool rides again.

My plan is to build trays to fit maybe with sponge inserts, its a work in progress at the moment.

Hopefully i should be able to fit my army, tokens ruler and mini rule book.

Time will tell.

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RhiDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Cool idea!

I’ve used ammo cans to make quite a few things including a lan party computer once apon a time.

But I’d not thought to carry an army in one.

I’m eager to watch your progress!


What an amazing idea I had convincing you to buy this as an army case! ?

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