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First steps into Flames of War V4

First steps into Flames of War V4

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The project so far

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 6
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I have decided to base my force on the churchill platoon, as this will give me lots of options for a variety of tanks.

My old regular opponents like to go tank heavy weather it  be a few german tigers or floods of russian t34’s it was always a struggle with infantry based forces.

I could not find my churchills so have ordered a box of plastic soldier company tanks this will allow me to build the Hq of two tanks and a unit of three churchills that i can use to support my infantry, they can even hitch i ride if they need too although looking at the stats its only slightly faster than footslogging.

The other core unit choice will be a unit of three shermans with a firefly in support backed by a unit of three shermans that i hope to use to contest objectives or hold in reserve to set up ambushes for some flanking shots on heavier armour.

The main support choices will be the 25pdr’s and the  m10’s that i can use as a full unit of four or a smaller unit of two depending on points.

The rifle platoon should be enough infantry for now but i have plenty left on sprues if i have to increase the amount of infantry at a later date.

This should take me to about 91 p0ints which leaves me with a few options. Ideally i would like a unit with the spearhead special rule to give me some more options with my deployment zone  during the set up of the game. Air support is also something i have to think about i still have to read up on planes in V4, they used to give you anti air ability in older versions which would be useful as i am definitely lacking anti air support.

Im thinking maybe a Daimler armoured car troop and a kitty hawk flight which may end up being a typhoon as i have models for that. This would take me to 100 points nicely.

But now its time to start painting so i have plenty of time to think about it.

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You have been a busy boy. Looking forward to seeing more progress.

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