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First steps into Flames of War V4

First steps into Flames of War V4

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The plan

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5
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This project log will hopefully help me Finish a project. (please forgive my poor spelling and grammar)

As much as i enjoy history i guess that this army build will come firmly under the hollywood idea of a battle group mainly comprising of units i like the look of and have cool rules rather than units that would have been found together during the WW2.

I will be using as much of my old collection of 15mm models from battlefront, plastic soldier company, peter pig and zvezda to build a new 100 point force for use in v4 Flames. (i may treat my self to some new shiny toys as i complete units)

So far i have found some sherman tanks one is a firefly which is a bonus, a group of M10’s, some 25 pdr artillery, loads of sprues of British infantry and support weapons and a set of airborne supply drop canisters  that can be used as swish objective markers.

I know somewhere i have some churchill tanks, if i can’t find them i will have to break my unwritten  rule and order some more as they look great and tend to survive a bit longer in game than the shermans.

The sherman tanks have been in my collection for years and have taken pride of place in multiple army builds  both British and US because of this i am  going to have to treat them to a nice relaxing dettol bath to strip the multiple layers of paint and to bring the detail back. I also would like to strip them as  i have noticed that lighter colours tend in my eyes to look better on smaller scale figures, so i plan to paint the armoured vehicles with vellajo russian uniform rather than the brown violate i used before.

Time to get started.


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