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40k digital weekend

40k digital weekend

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First posting

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 6

So this is my first posting.


Not very many pics or much to say so far as today is 6 year anniversary so will be brief!


First off it turns out that our lad Osian is a huge fan of the show! Early brainwashing has now begun.

Secondly as well as my digital weekend stuff (which has arrived, pic should be the header) the mrs surprised me this morning with a knight!! I’m thinking of going crusader as my friend plays orks and the idea of using a gatling to even out the field deffo appeals!


Finally is my tester for my plaguebearers. I’m quite happy with the result (aside from the nurgling) as it was quick. Primed white and then painted with green tone for the basic skin colour and then just blocking the other colours ontop. (If people like I can list the colours used). The severed head needs a dark wash I think unless I can think of something to make it look more rotten. The base was done with the citadel texture (stirland battlemire, then a dry brush of tyrant skull, followed by caliban green in the recess topped with nurgles rot).

anyway thats it so far but thoughts and comments always welcome.

starting them youngstarting them young
Fan of benFan of ben
Wife surprised me!Wife surprised me!
so this is a test of a plaguebearer. so this is a test of a plaguebearer.

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Good job getting a project thread up and running.

I need to follow your example and start one as well!

Can’t wait for the ninth of August to get here.


Hurrah! Another hobby weekend devotee of Papa Nurgle! Liking the colour scheme so far!

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