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Reply To: If you are looking for trouble…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming If you are looking for trouble… Reply To: If you are looking for trouble…



I’m under a fair bit of pressure this weekend (and in general at the moment lol) so this is a bit of a fly by night post that isn’t entirely in the spirit of the rules (I’ll try to get to the questions and leave some feedback if I can) πŸ™


But I wanted to drop a post of support in for the thread. πŸ™‚

I’m in this weekend working on the apocalypse layout for the 40k weekend.

Lloyd and I got the ground work well underway yesterday.



We discovered quite a cool little trick with bicarbonate and primer lol (more on that later)

Right now I’m in building construction though for the middle table


Happy Sunday folks and I’ll pop in when I can πŸ™‚

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