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The Order of the Broken Sword

The Order of the Broken Sword

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The Rusted Blades

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The Traitors that were Once "The Knights of the Blade" now Call themselves The Rusted Blades and are Fully Dedicated to Grandfather Nurgle

Leading them is Former Chapter Master Villnis now calling himself the Lord of Rust and given the Honourific Leading them is Former Chapter Master Villnis now calling himself the Lord of Rust and given the Honourific "World Plaguer"
I initially thought the Green was too bright but after seeing the whole force together I think it worked out well. None of the Bases are Finished but the Minis themselves are.I initially thought the Green was too bright but after seeing the whole force together I think it worked out well. None of the Bases are Finished but the Minis themselves are.
Carrying a Blessed Bell of Nurgle into Combat is Ralphan Demetros who was no more than an ordinary Marine in his days as a loyal servant of the Emperor but fully embraced the teachings of his new LordCarrying a Blessed Bell of Nurgle into Combat is Ralphan Demetros who was no more than an ordinary Marine in his days as a loyal servant of the Emperor but fully embraced the teachings of his new Lord
He is the Leading Expert on all Matter relating to the Plague Father Nurgle in the Warband and holds Seven Ceremonies a Day where he and Seven Chosen Marines worship NurgleHe is the Leading Expert on all Matter relating to the Plague Father Nurgle in the Warband and holds Seven Ceremonies a Day where he and Seven Chosen Marines worship Nurgle
He was put in charge of purging the last Loyalists who might have slipped into the new Warband and went about it with vigor.He was put in charge of purging the last Loyalists who might have slipped into the new Warband and went about it with vigor.
It was Demetros who first summoned a Daemon of Nurgle in a Ritual where he sacrificed the captured Librarians of his old Chapter.It was Demetros who first summoned a Daemon of Nurgle in a Ritual where he sacrificed the captured Librarians of his old Chapter.
The Only Librarian who willingly went with the Traitors into Damnation was Tractuss Heiman.The Only Librarian who willingly went with the Traitors into Damnation was Tractuss Heiman.
The most inquisitive of all the Librarians he was sanctioned for digging too deeply into redacted parts of the Chapters HistoryThe most inquisitive of all the Librarians he was sanctioned for digging too deeply into redacted parts of the Chapters History
His research led to him accidentally uncovering extremely detailed accounts of a purge of the His research led to him accidentally uncovering extremely detailed accounts of a purge of the "Cult of Rot" that the Chapter had eliminated alongside the inquisition.
The Librarian who accompanied the Inquisitor kept extremely detailed records of the ceremonies and beliefs of the Cult and once Heiman started to dig he could not stop himself. Before long he was falsiying requests to other Chapters trying to get his hands on as much information about Chaos and Nurgle as he could find not out of devotion but out of sheer curiosity. It was this activity that drew the attention of the Chapter Master who brought him in to the Circle of Traitors. He flew into a Rage and attempted to reveal the whole plot but he was stricken with a deadly plague once his intentions were made clear. Knowing he had only one chance to survive he gave his soul over to Nurgle and ever since he has accepted his new path, justifying his actions as seeking knowledge not changing allegiancesThe Librarian who accompanied the Inquisitor kept extremely detailed records of the ceremonies and beliefs of the Cult and once Heiman started to dig he could not stop himself. Before long he was falsiying requests to other Chapters trying to get his hands on as much information about Chaos and Nurgle as he could find not out of devotion but out of sheer curiosity. It was this activity that drew the attention of the Chapter Master who brought him in to the Circle of Traitors. He flew into a Rage and attempted to reveal the whole plot but he was stricken with a deadly plague once his intentions were made clear. Knowing he had only one chance to survive he gave his soul over to Nurgle and ever since he has accepted his new path, justifying his actions as seeking knowledge not changing allegiances

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